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2020 - violin, cello, narrator/tape c. 26'

Isola (meaning island) is about the landscape and wildlife of the St Kilda Archipelago, vacated by its last permanent human residents in 1930. Written in four segueing sections, the piece explores isolation, distance, and remoteness. 

Isola was written in collaboration with Scottish author, Alexander McCall Smith. We have known each other for a number of years and he has previously supported and encouraged my work including some of my first ever commissioned work when I was an undergraduate student. I am grateful to Sandy for his encouragement, time and creative energy throughout the project from initially suggesting we create something together, to agreeing to appear on the recording alongside Sequoia as we recorded the piece as part of the Isola album project. 

I am currently working to build an online shop for pdf scores.

In the meantime, to access the full score for perusal or purchase please contact me via the contact page



Sequoia Duo (Sonia Cromarty and Alice Rickards) and Alexander McCall Smith - Recorded as part of the Isola recording project. 

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